Migrating from Fastpages to Quarto

blogging setup… revisited…

December 18, 2022

Fastpages, based on which my original blog was setup has been archived and they now recommend using Quarto instead. If you’re starting new, the latter is the recommended way to go but if you too have a fastpages blog setup initially and want to migrate, there’s a migration guide available. It’s not completely perfect as you have to tweak a few bits here & there before you see all the renderings correctly (because of slight syntactic variations amongst other things).

However, I felt quarto to be much more intuitive and easy to setup. I also did the migration but found manually moving posts from my old blog repo to the new quarto repo to be a bit easier. (Migration worked but I was not happy with the directories it created as part of it… I found it aesthetically less pleasing and hence moved them myself).

For simple blogging, fastpages offered more than enough features and quarto offers even more on top of that. It’s easy to get started with quarto. Head over to the start guide to learn more.

I do miss the advanced styling options I setup in fastpages though… will have to dig into Quarto to see how much I can reuse. Until then, have fun with my frugalistic looking blog! :D