Introduction to GIS with QGIS & Python - Part II

how to load data from CSV/Text files, do filtering and connect to data servers

March 7, 2023

Welcome back! In our last post, we took a look at the basics of GIS and how we can explore some of the datasets in QGIS with shapefiles, TIFF files to derive interesting insights around air quality. This post covers loading data from CSV files on disk and also directly from online using server connections.

Load data from text files

For this use case, let’s examine the latest satellite data where potential 🔥 events were detected in North American region. This could be a wildfire or controlled fire or anything else and may also occupy less than one pixel of the 🛰️ image depending on the resolution of that 🛰️ that’s taking it. NOAA’s Hazard Mapping System (HMS) provide daily updated data for fire & smoke detected. Let’s download the latest data. There are multiple data formats available but since we have seen shapefile in the last post, let’s try text file now.

Figure 1: HMS data download

Let’s read a few lines from the file:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('data/hms_fire20230306.txt')
(24485, 8)
Lon Lat YearDay Time Satellite Method Ecosystem FRP
17651 -90.261902 19.713993 2023065 2201 GOES-EAST FDC 34 87.415
2835 -78.968910 21.834669 2023065 1746 GOES-EAST FDC 93 -999.000
5250 -76.867294 18.226049 2023065 1840 NOAA 20 VIIRS 24 5.654
22280 -98.832497 19.443575 2023066 46 GOES-EAST FDC 41 78.344
794 -100.092950 24.831312 2023065 910 NOAA 20 VIIRS 47 1.258
19110 -71.630478 19.319798 2023065 2231 GOES-EAST FDC 91 32.565
23370 -83.569122 22.277122 2023066 216 GOES-EAST FDC 93 220.716
1933 -98.455124 36.903248 2023065 1650 GOES-EAST FDC 31 -999.000
1883 -98.248184 26.366270 2023065 1646 GOES-EAST FDC 94 -999.000
3390 -81.141960 22.947918 2023065 1758 SUOMI NPP VIIRS 93 6.468

As we can see, the data contains the coordinates of the location where 🔥 detected, date and time, the 🛰️ that took the picture among other data. Especially interesting is the FRP as that indicates the intensity of the activity. The higher the FRP, the intense the burning.

Fire radiative power (FRP) is a measure of heat output from a fire and is related to how quickly fuel is being consumed. It is directly related to the rate of biomass consumption during the active (flaming/smoldering) phase of a fire. Look here for more info.

Let’s look from which 🛰️ are we getting the data from:

Index(['        Lon', '        Lat', ' YearDay', ' Time', '       Satellite',
       '           Method', ' Ecosystem', '        FRP'],
# strip extra spaces
df.columns =
       GOES-EAST    17871
       SUOMI NPP     3372
         NOAA 20     3222
       GOES-WEST       20
Name: Satellite, dtype: int64
       GOES-EAST    0.729875
       SUOMI NPP    0.137717
         NOAA 20    0.131591
       GOES-WEST    0.000817
Name: Satellite, dtype: float64

Almost 75% of the data is from one source.

Let’s now look at the distribution of FRP

import seaborn as sns

Most of the 🔥 places detected are relatively less intenseful. Let’s now look at their geographical distribution.

First, as usual, select a basemap from the ones we downloaded in the last post (look under XYZ Tiles in browser area). Ideally you would want to know the topography of the land in this case. So I went with Google Terrain Hybrid.

Now, unlike shapefiles, we can’t simply drag a text file to the canvas. Instead, goto Layer-> Add Layer -> Add Delimited Text Layer. Fill it with the information as shown.

Figure 2: Load text file


Don’t forget to click Add before close in step 5 above.

This would stack the file over our basemap. Now this is already good… but we are still not making use of the FRP information we have. Since it’s numerical data, let’s try to colorize the data based on this. We already know the higher the FRP, the intense the 🔥 is. As these are continuous values, let’s bin them into discrete classes based on the histrogram we saw above.



Figure 3: Styling


The toolbar in fig. 3(b) can be accessed by clicking the 🟣 circle (Symbol section) in fig. 3(a). Change the values as you please.

Figure 4: 🔥 activity across Northern Americas

We clearly see that most of the activity is exclusively detected in the SE part of North America with most parts of Cuba, SE Mexico & NW of Florida.

Now that we know the intensity of the fires, we can also actually know from which satellite a given data point has originated. To do that, we need to label each data point with the corresponding value in the Satellite field as we have seen earlier.

Figure 5: Styling for Labels

Figure 6: Coordinates with Satellite names

You may notice that the same coordinates have the same label repeated multiple times. That got me interested. So I digged in. I suspected that it could be because of duplicate entries of the coordinates.

df.shape, df.drop_duplicates().shape
((24485, 8), (24485, 8))
df.drop_duplicates(['Lat', 'Lon']).shape
(9752, 8)

Indeed it was. But only the coordinates are duplicated but not all the fields.

df[['Lat', 'Lon']].value_counts().head()
Lat        Lon       
16.311804  -92.219566    156
19.440290  -89.355492    149
19.479744  -89.319229    131
19.153973  -90.197701    120
19.499657  -89.321320    116
dtype: int64

Let’s take one example and see what’s changing.

df.query('Lon==-92.219566 and Lat==16.311804')
Lon Lat YearDay Time Satellite Method Ecosystem FRP
2087 -92.219566 16.311804 2023065 1700 GOES-EAST FDC 93 22.154
2393 -92.219566 16.311804 2023065 1721 GOES-EAST FDC 93 33.626
2520 -92.219566 16.311804 2023065 1730 GOES-EAST FDC 93 32.808
2738 -92.219566 16.311804 2023065 1741 GOES-EAST FDC 93 31.866
4156 -92.219566 16.311804 2023065 1800 GOES-EAST FDC 93 53.364
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
23682 -92.219566 16.311804 2023066 251 GOES-EAST FDC 93 25.892
23704 -92.219566 16.311804 2023066 256 GOES-EAST FDC 93 31.707
23759 -92.219566 16.311804 2023066 301 GOES-EAST FDC 93 32.109
23786 -92.219566 16.311804 2023066 306 GOES-EAST FDC 93 29.846
24006 -92.219566 16.311804 2023066 336 GOES-EAST FDC 93 29.942

156 rows × 8 columns

df.query('Lon==-92.219566 and Lat==16.311804').Satellite.unique()
array(['       GOES-EAST'], dtype=object)

Interesting! We now have different values for FRP over a single coordinate but at different times.

 .query('Lon==-92.219566 and Lat==16.311804')    # take one location as an example
 .sort_values(['YearDay', 'Time'])               # sort it by time
 .query('FRP > 0')                               # filter out -ve values (incorrect data?)
 .reset_index(drop=True)                         # drop the index values
 .plot(title='FRP of a single location over time', xlabel='Time', ylabel='FRP'));

Nice! We now see how the FRP has evolved over time… it looks as if the 🔥 appears to have begun, spread, and intensified before eventually extinguishing or subsiding.

filtering a text file

Coming back to our satellite names, we can filter only for the data coming from a single satellite by right clicking on the hms_fire20230306 layer, selecting filter and later entering the query like so:

Figure 7: Filtering a CSV/TXT file

  • 1 - selects the field we want to filter
  • 2 - gets a few sample values from that field
  • 3 - double click on the field to enter it into the query box below. Alternatively you can type it as well.
  • 4, 5 - double click/type
  • 6 - clicking Test gives us how many rows that satisfy the condition. Hit OK
  • 7 - ignore (don’t click it)
  • 8 - click OK to finalize the filtered data

If you now look at the later, we only see the datapoints from the satellite we filtered.

Figure 8: Map with filtered entries


Now we have seen how to load text files and filtering for our desired data. You can also load Well Known Text (WKT) and other text files in the same manner. Just make sure to select the appropriate radio button while loading them.

Add WFS Connection

The Web Feature Service (WFS) protocol enables users to access and query feature data over the internet, without having to download and store the data locally. This can be particularly useful when working with large datasets or when collaborating with other users who may have different data sources or access privileges. WFS allows users to view and analyze feature data from multiple sources, combine data from different sources, and perform spatial and attribute queries on the data. This can help users to make more informed decisions and gain insights from the data that might not be apparent from a single dataset.

There are lot of publicly available WFS servers online (just google) including from universities, government organizations etc. geoseer is one such service which provides links to those servers.

For our purposes, we shall take a look at one WFS server that offers water level information in Germany. So head over here and copy the WFS URL.

As this is a data layer, as usual, we will add a basemap layer or two. In this case, I went with CartoDB Positron.

To add the WFS connection, goto WFS/OGC API - Features in the browser area and click New Connection.

Figure 9: New WFS Connection

Once you have done that above, you will notice a new connection appearing under that section. Clicking on it will reveal the layer that you can now simply drag & drop to the canvas.

We can right click on the added layer in the Layers section and select Open Attribute Table to reveal all its data in plaintext form. We notice that there’s a field named Value that shows the depth of the water level. Now just like in our last use case, you can now use this field to bin its values to get the following map.

Figure 10: Water Levels in Germany

It shows that the levels are higher in North than in the South (most likely being it closer to the Sea) but it’s troubling to see some major cities suffering with severe lack of ground water.


Just like WFS, you can also add WMS/WCS services much the same way to carry out analysis without downloading data onto your disk.

Final Words

In this post, we have seen how to use different types of data sources and possibly lighten our data resources on disk to perform our analysis and collaborate with others online when needed. We also performed query filtering to visualize only the data we need and how to do it in a meaningful way.

In the next post, we will make a bit more use of Python & QGIS scripting to write a complex processing pipeline.

Thanks for reading.

Auf wiedersehen 👋